We now have more clarity on the process for self-declaration depending on whether previously accredited as an HLP under a local scheme and when.
To qualify for the HLP Quality Payment the pharmacy must on the day of the review be meeting the requirements of a Level 1 HLP as defined by Public Health England (PHE) or have been accredited as an HLP locally between 1st December 2014 and 28th April 2017. Depending on circumstances, a pharmacy can qualify for this payment as an accredited HLP in in one of the following ways:
- For pharmacies who are becoming an HLP for the first time: by completing the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) online assessment of compliance as a self-assessed HLP Level 1. This online register is a pilot and, for the immediate future, open to a limited number of pharmacies.
- For pharmacies that have been previously accredited as an HLP between 1st December 2014 and 28th April 2017: has a copy of the signed and dated documentation from the accrediting body at that time (likely to be the local PCT or authority and/or LPC) that demonstrates that between 1st December 2014 and 28th April 2017 the pharmacy was accredited as an HLP Level 1 locally. These pharmacies do not need to go through the PHE self-assessment process to qualify for the quality payment.
- For pharmacies that were accredited as an HLP Level 1 prior to 1st December 2014: has a copy of a signed and dated document from the accrediting body at that time (likely to be the local PCT or authority) that demonstrates that the pharmacy was accredited prior to 1st December 2014, has completed the self-assessment (attached) and is meeting the requirements of a HLP Level 1 as defined by PHE on the day of the review. There is no requirement to be listed on the RSPH registry.
N.B. There is an expectation that whenever accredited as an HLP you maintain the ethos and have an evidence portfolio that confirms you continue to operate as an HLP.
For more guidance on how to meet the HLP criteria Pharmacy Complete have prepared a Complete HLP Guide together with a portfolio box, training courses and support materials available through our webshop.
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