The announcement of the funding settlement for the remainder of the 2018/19 financial year will not be well received by pharmacy owners in England. That, together with reinstatement of the temporarily postponed Category M overspend recovery, will create further cashflow and sustainability challenges for many owners, particularly independents.
Unfortunately, this was predictable on the back of almost three lost years whilst the judicial review of the previously imposed and poorly implemented funding settlement was pursued rather than asking the right questions of the right people to understand where pharmacy could support the very challenged NHS and public health systems.
We have written many times about the need to change the contractual framework and the funding formula to incentivise the right behaviours and reward quality delivery through a fairer system that is not based on a non-existent average pharmacy that benefits a few and penalises many.
To support pharmacy contractors, Pharmacy Complete has developed a unique Business Development Programme. Planning for Growth enables owners and their managers to take control of their future by developing a robust business plan.
This course, which builds on our Leadership development programmes and the platform of Healthy Living Pharmacy, provides essential business knowledge, skills and tools at a time when community pharmacy can no longer wait for someone else to create their future business model nor be so dependent on the NHS for profitable income.
Pharmacy Complete – enabling pharmacy for a healthier future
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